Coastal Dog Walkers
Professional dog walking in North Shields, Tynemouth and Cullercoats.
So you need a professional dog walker. You've looked around and settled on a couple of possibilities, hopefully Coastal Dog Walkers are on your shortlist! We are now in our 6th year and would love for you to be our next customer.
I'm sure you have lots of questions for us which I'll happily answer but let me ask you a couple of things first as we need these questions answered before we can progress. 1/ where do you live? 2/ is your dog friendly with other dogs? 3/ is your dog good on the lead? Unlike most other dog walkers the area we cover is relatively small (North Shields, Tynemouth and Cullercoats). Transport is necessary to do the job but we do our best to be on foot as much as possible so if you live too far away you might not make it it to question 2. Question 2 is a no brainier. For the sake of everyone's safety (current pack, us and your dog) we prefer to take on well natured dogs, that's not to say we won't give your dog a chance if he/she is a little bit grumpy. We have found that grumpy dogs can settle pretty quickly once they have been allowed to socialise and find their place in the pack. Question 3 is there for us to be able to begin to assess if a new dog if going to be tricky to handle. If a dog is really, really bad on the lead we can quickly get ourselves into a situation where 75% of our attention is on that one dog and the other dogs in the pack don't get the time they deserve. We aren't looking for the perfect dog, just one that is good enough on the lead, friendly enough and lives within our zone. So there you have it, if all that sounds ok feel free to get in touch if you are looking for a North Shields dog walker (or Tynemouth / Cullercoats). John Coastal Dog Walkers 07725041572
Coastal Dog WalkersWelcome to the occasional ramblings of a North Shields dog walker. Archives
January 2025